Six Reasons Why College Football is Better than the NFL

October 6, 2022 by Staff

The National Football League is no doubt one of the most exciting sports that we love to watch, but if I had to place my hand over my heart and say that the NFL has given me the best football matches I have ever witnessed, I would be lying. Although there are 32 divisions in the NFL, they don’t hold a candle to some of the college football matches I have seen. If you agree with me, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about, but if you don't, then let me tell you my reasons why. Here are the six main reasons why I believe college football is better than the NFL.

Intense Rivalry

What is a football match if there is no intense rivalry between the competing teams? No matter how many of you believe that the fiercest rivalry in the NFL is Cowboys vs. Eagles or Packers vs. Bears, that’s nothing compared to Army vs. Navy or Auburn vs. Alabama in college football. When I say rivalry, I’m also taking into consideration the geographic proximity, competition for recruits, and year-long bragging rights, which make the rivalry even sweeter when compared to that of the NFL teams.

Differences in the Game Play

The game play of NFL teams is pretty much the same, with all revolving around the 4-3 or 3-4 defensive base, throwing the ball on offense most of the time, and sitting in the nickel for the rest of the time. But when it comes to college football, every team has a select few players with their own unique style and defense alternatives. These tactics are then eventually deployed by NFL teams, including the famous wildcat, read-option, and RPO, all of which started in college.

Saturday Games

If you’re an avid football fan and can’t wait for the next match to air, well, college football gives you much more to look forward to than the NFL. The reason for this is that college football games are played on Saturdays. The best part about college football is watching a late-night Saturday match and not having to worry about going to work the next day. In contrast, watching an NFL match late on a Sunday night can challenge you to keep your eyes open and stay awake long enough to keep up with the action.

Huge Emotional Response

Of course, NFL matches elicit an intensely emotional response in a vast population of fans, but even people who have no interest in football whatsoever often tune in to college football matches, which explains why some of the early non-conference games make for such incredibly compelling TV. The NFL parity is for sure on a similar level, but college football offers viewers some truly priceless moments. We all remember how James Madison knocked off VPI in Blacksburg, or Troy beat LSU in Baton Rouge, which only goes to further prove my point.

More Pageantry

The atmosphere in college football is something worth watching and experiencing. With the band playing, students cheering loudly for their teams, chanting in unison, and the entire majestic coordinated choreography of the event, the matches are incredibly exciting to watch. While college football has so much to offer to viewers, NFL matches, on the other hand, are lacking some of these elements that add to the enthusiasm of the match. Most of the time, the only crowd choreography that is seen in NFL matches is "Fly Eagles Fly" after a touchdown. While it’s certainly true to say that a good football match, loud crowds, great organization, and massive bouts of audience participation are not a necessity at a sporting event, these factors definitely provide an added element of interest in the match and unity in the audience.

More Entertainment for the Viewers

College football, in comparison with the NFL, simply has more to offer, in my opinion: more games, more teams, and more stories to keep track of. All in all, college football provides a ton more excitement and enthusiasm due to these very factors. There are several channels you can skim through on Saturdays, and often Thursdays and Fridays too, and find a great game to watch.


Watching NFL matches is undoubtedly a fantastic experience for football fans and sports enthusiasts in general, but when you compare the singular elements which add up to a great game, college football takes the crown.