Our Top Tips On Supporting Your College Football Team

October 18, 2022 by Staff

College football games are a huge part of the college experience as it gives you the chance to be patriotic and support your home team. If you have never been to a college football game, then you might assume they are low-key games, but you couldn’t be further from the truth. A lot of money and funding goes into college football, so the games themselves are able to gather huge audiences.
When you move to college, you will soon be introduced to the world of college football, so you may want to learn more about how you can support your college team. In this article, we will go over a few different ways that you can support your college football team, as well as few things you should expect when you watch your first game. So, keep on reading to find out more.

Educate Yourself On The Game

If you have never been into sports, or, more specifically, football, then it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the game. Of course, you can watch the game without knowing much about it, but you would find it way more enjoyable if you actually took the time to learn the rules of the game. Having an understanding of the structure of the game and how the rules work, will allow you to get more invested in the game as you can follow along carefully. It also means you can interact better with others around you as you will be able to have a proper conversation with them about the game. Community is a huge aspect of college football, so you will find the game much more enjoyable if you can interact with those around you. So, take the time to do some basic research and learn what you can about the sport.


Another good way you can sport your college football team is through tailgating. Tailgating is when you essentially follow your team throughout their games, often posted up in the car park and having some drinks and food before and during the game. Sometimes it is not always possible to get tickets to a game, so tailgating is a good way to still support your team even if you cannot watch them in person. One thing to know about tailgating though is that it can sometimes get a little boring as you may have to wait around before the game begins. However, there is plenty you can do to keep yourself entertained. Chatting and getting to know other people tailgating is a great way to pass the time, and you may learn something new about the game. However, if you do not have people around you to keep you entertained, then why not play some online games like slot machines. Once you play you can begin to see why the growth in slots has been so massive; not only can it stop you from getting bored, but you could also win some money.

Show Your Team Spirit

One of the best ways you can show your support to your college football team is by displaying some team spirit. There is no better way to feel involved and connected with the team than by wearing the colors of the team or sporting one of their jerseys. When you go and watch your first college football game, you will notice that there are very specific sides that people will sit on, and you can easily tell which side is which based on the colors they are wearing. So, if you wanted to show your team spirit and be part of the community, it would be a good idea to buy an official sports jersey or paint some of the team colors on your face. However, if you do not have the money to buy an official jersey, then just buy a basic t-shirt of the same color instead. That way, when you arrive at the game, you can easily spot which side to sit on and then you can immediately feel part of the community.

Learn The Traditions Of The Team

As you start to get more involved in the world of college football, you will start to realize that a lot of the teams have their own traditions that they follow. While some of these traditions may seem a little weird to outsiders, once you start becoming more invested in the game, you will find yourself wanting to be a part of these traditions too. Learning some of the chants is a great way to feel more involved in the game and is also a good way to support your team. When the players hear the chants during the game, they will feel supported, and it can help them play better and win. The best way to learn about these traditions is to just keep on going to the games. Of course, you can do some research online, but we find that hardcore fans will be able to teach you about the traditions better than the internet can. Perhaps some basic research beforehand will be good but be open to learning new things while you are at the game.

Be Prepared For The Rowdiness

One thing you need to be prepared for when you go to a college football game is the rowdiness of the crowd. Although it is only a college-level game, people still take it very seriously, which means they can take it to heart when their team loses. So, when you go to your first game, it would perhaps be best not to sit right in the middle of the crowd as you may not be prepared for some of the rowdy behavior. Once you have been to a few more games, you will start to get used to the sort of behavior, and you can almost predict when things are about to kick off. Although this may sound a little scary, most of the time it is nothing but a bit of shouting, which you will soon get used to. Once you have got a bit more experience with the games, you will start to understand the fans behavior a bit more and it will seem less daunting.