Americans Still Prefer Their Brand of Football Over Soccer

August 21, 2024 by Staff

We reveal the topic of the popularity of football in America. Find out why soccer never became a top sport on the American continent.

Why do Americans Still Choose Football over Soccer?

Having analyzed the popularity of soccer in America, our experts conclude that the popularity of this sport is low compared to football. Many fans have traveled a long distance to attend soccer matches, watch them on television, and place bets on matches in bookmakers. However, some prefer games for money in Australian online casinos developed in the theme of soccer. Football remains the national sport because of the athleticism, wrestling, fast-paced matches, and toughness Americans love. Let's figure out why football is still much more interesting than soccer in America.

Reasons for Low Popularity of Soccer in the USA

Despite its rich history of origins about 5 centuries ago, soccer appeared on the American continent only 100 years ago and was brought by European immigrants. Gradually, Native Americans began to play this game as an alternative to their favorite football and baseball. But US residents still prefer a more dynamic sport because soccer has never won the hearts of Americans, and here are the reasons why:

  • It is much slower than football
  • Character and fight on the field are also lower
  • Long free kicks or penalties cause Americans to fall asleep
  • Dangerous moments and impacts occur extremely rarely, forcing you to eat buckets of popcorn while waiting for them

Our experts note that over 250 million people on Earth play football, and almost 4 billion are soccer fans. So why are US residents still not true fans of this sport, although connoisseurs of games for money often visit AUD casinos and run soccer pokies with high chances of earning large sums of winnings? What are the reasons for football's high popularity?

Why is Football More Popular than Soccer?

Our experts compare American football with the Australian online casino regarding emotions and excitement. The matches are breathtaking, and crazy skirmishes and passes evoke a storm of positive emotions, comparable to the anticipation of victory in the same online pokies or board games. But we checked the main criteria to examine the reasons for football's popularity.

Football Invented by the Americans

The most important reason for choosing this sport is that football appeared in the USA. Soccer was brought by immigrants from Europe, and the game itself was invented in England. Since the 1860s, residents of the United States regularly played football, and already in the 1900s, it became a professional sport, forever winning the hearts of fans in all states of the country and becoming a real king in the world of sports.

Power Skirmishes and Player Size

Probably every inhabitant of our planet knows that Americans love everything big and powerful. Starting from powerful supercar engines to heavyweight boxers. The same applies to football, where the players are much larger and stronger than representatives of the soccer world.

This is due to the winning spirit that reigns on the American continent and instills a thirst for a championship in players or fans. The players' powerful physique lets them demonstrate their strength, a symbol of the power of the country of the United States.

Many soccer players have thin physiques because the quality and success of the game largely depend on dribbling, skills, running speed, and football charisma.

Big Profits from American Football Advertising

Given the universal love for this sports discipline, American marketers earn large sums of money from advertising. Football matches are broadcast on television and the Internet, allowing you to demonstrate your products on big boards and stadium hoardings. American football leaves room for marketers to maneuver because there are four 15-minute quarters in a match, where, during the break, you can advertise products.

Compared to soccer advertising, matches here last 90 minutes with only one 15-minute break. This doesn't allow advertisers to show the full scope of their marketing capabilities.

Hands are Prohibited in Soccer

The American dream is the result of serious effort and fruitful work, including with your hands. Many US residents believe that manual labor made their country rich, independent and one of the most attractive in terms of life. That's why they prefer games that use their hands: basketball, baseball, and American football.

Under soccer rules, playing with your hands is prohibited. The only player who uses his hands during the game is the goalkeeper. Even then, these episodes are not repeated and take up a minimum of game time.

Americans Are Determined to Win

In any sport, in everyday life, in real online casino Australia games, or in the technology race, Americans try to win everywhere. Whether it comes to sporting events, business ideas, space, or war, the people of the United States will do anything to become the best, and this is evident in the world of American football, a national sport where they have no equal.

Considering soccer, our experts state global distribution and universal love for these sporting competitions. Americans are not good enough at soccer and are among the first to be eliminated from tournaments. That's why they left soccer to other countries and are fruitfully developing American football.