Can Baccarat and Blackjack Skills and Strategies Help in Football?

June 10, 2024 by staff

If you’re a fan of casino games, you’re probably familiar with two of the most popular ones: baccarat and blackjack. Both of these are card games with similar gameplay, and similar strategies you can use when playing.

But did you know that it’s possible to transfer these strategies into the world of American football? Read on to find out more!

Blackjack and Baccarat At A Glance

Both of these table games can be found at just about any online and land-based casino. Both have several variants available too, but we’ll focus on the core, or ‘classic’ versions.


Also known as 21, blackjack involves collecting cards (“hit”) until you reach that number, based on the card face value, or get as close to it as possible. If you go over 21, you go “bust” and you lose. Players can choose to “stand” (keep their current hand) at any time.

The only person you’re playing against is the dealer, who also reveals their own cards as the game progresses. If they reach 21, they win. If they exceed it, they can also go bust.

Although blackjack typically incorporates different bet types, such as whether you’ll get a pair of cards from the same suite, the main aim is always to beat the dealer.


Baccarat has very similar gameplay to blackjack, but there are two core differences. One is that you can bet on a tie, the player (you) to win, or the banker (the dealer) to win. The aim is to get 9 or as close as possible.

Skills and strategies

If you’re betting on any casino game, the best strategy is always to exercise strict bankroll management. What you can also do to ensure you’re getting the most out of any game (or sport) is make sure you learn and understand its rules. This is true whether you’re playing blackjack, baccarat, or betting on football.

In short, if you know how a game is played, then you know what to watch out for; whether this is a particular card in blackjack or a player’s signature move in football. You can then change how you play, or bet, based on this knowledge. We’ll elaborate on this below.

Applying Table Game Knowledge to Football

Whether you like to play football or bet on it, there are some core skills and strategies you can transfer from the casino floor to the gridiron.

Odds and probability

Just as blackjack and baccarat have odds and probabilities on which card could be revealed next, the same is true of football, in terms of the likelihood of a particular team performing well (or poorly!).

In football betting, a wager’s odds will usually be lower if there’s less chance of that specific wager playing out. For example, for a team to win or a specific player to score the first touchdown.

Likewise, if a certain player has been performing really well in the last few matches, the chances they’ll play well in the next match will be high. Therefore, you can adjust your betting or playing style accordingly.

Bankroll management

If you’re betting on football, there are plenty of baccarat and blackjack strategies that can help with managing your money. One of the most famous is the Martingale method. All this entails is doubling your wager after every loss, and resetting to the original stake value after every win.

There’s also the Reverse Martingale which, as you might have guessed, has you double a bet after a win and reset after every loss.


Although they’re worlds apart, casino games and sport have a lot more in common than many people think. If you’re attentive to game rules and football statistics, you can easily apply betting skills and strategies from one area to the other.